Portada 187ml


Portada 187ml.



Portada 187ml

Red Semisweet

This is an ideally structured, red, semi-sweet wine made from the native Portuguese varieties of Tinta Roriz, Touriga Nacional and Alicante Bouschet grown in the vast vineyards of the Lisboa wine region. Its bouquet is filled with sweet and fruity notes touched by distinctive flavours of blueberry. Well-balanced and drinkable. Perfect everyday wine to enjoy on its own or to accompany all sorts of delicate snacks, desserts, cakes, and sweets. Serve at 14-16°C. Our small bottle format will come handy during picnics, open-air outings, or lunch breaks.

  • Lisboa
  • blend
  • Serve with sweet snacks, cakes
  • Serving temperature 14-16°C
  • alk. 12-12.5%


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